ME-OOOWW Our theme of the night as you can see is animal print! It was one of our funnest themes so far. The night started when Jen,Jordyn,Rebecca,Lauren and Kim came over to my house to all get ready together. We were all feeling the theme of the night and so stoked for night ahead of us. We all ate a gripload of tacos then left to get energy drinks! We went to circle K and our friend wasnt working:( But we got a new brand of drink and it tasted delicious! Once we got to the dance we had people making comments to us left and right about our matching attire. Now there was 9 girls going with our theme, like completely decked out in cheetah. The dance was soo legit, it was full to the max and the DJ rocks. There was an open area behind the DJ and we decided to dance there and it really made the night so funn!!! For some odd reason i saw like 4 people eat crap tonight. Josh fell twice right in front of us and then 2 random people just face planted lol Ok so we pretty much know we arent gonna ever get asked to dance so we lyrical dance and it soooo fun seriously so much then dancing with lame boys. When the song "Wall to Wall" came on by Chris brown someone yells hurry dance on the wall! So there was like 10 girls dancing at the wall in the front of the dance, so hilarious. When the danced ended( BTW those 2 hours just fly by) EVERYONE knew what was gonna happen next.....Ricky had planted a sign in my car that says Kim, wouldnt it make sence to go to homecoming with ricky and it was written out in pennys! Kim was shocked. Ricky left so she would give her answer at in N out. One N out was a challenge to get to once again.
Alright so were driving on the 55 freeway bumping some rap Cd of Nate's when we get THE CALL. Jessica and Ally deliver the awful news. "the road to get to in n out is blocked, try to park at Burger King across the street and walk across" OH NO are you kidding me? Last month we get a flipping flat tire, and now the road is blocked!! Lauren is sitting in the passenger seat handling 2 cell phones, frantically making and receiving phones calls. Everyone is like did you hear? what the fudge are we gonna do? So we follow a truck that has a yes on prop 8 sticker. ( they must be from the dance) We see larry and a few other cars we know and follow them into a parking lot. We all pile out and start making our trek to in N out. then some 6th warder girls come running saying that the cops wont let us cross. Something sketchy went down on Tustin ave. "OMG time for mormon huddle" Larry says. We come up with plan B: considering we HAVE to go to in N out tonight, most people would give up and go home. Not us!!! We all decide to go to the one by cinema city. On our way over there there is a huge caravan of all us hungry, desperate dance goers. like 10 cars. Then, a bunch of people call us and say they got into the one on tustin. So we tell them to go to cinema city one! We finally get to an in N out! WOOHOO!!! More people show up and its a party! Ricky comes and Kim tells him.......sorry she cant go to homecoming. hahahah JK she said yes and they hugged awww presh! Oh will those dance pics be cute! Some interesting things happen at in N out: Kim pushed me off the bench, Ryan is walking backwards and talking and rams into a chair and almost falls and lets just say i got EMBARRASSED by something on Courtney's phone that Josh went around showing everyone! All in all it was the Best night! The wild goose chase for hamburgers and everyone falling and of couse our FIERCE theme.
Next week is IRVINE were counting the days and daydreaming in class of how it will turn out.
haha that dance was so legit!!! i defiantly did work!!!
firstly- who does will think he is commenting. i am the only commentor (is that a real word?) on this blog. secondly- what!!!! animal print was cougariffic. had i known i would have gotten my hotttt hubby to bring you some roaring lion energy drink from work. i love myself a good theme. i think it taste like pee. (not that i have tasted pee, okay once, but it was an accident) i think all of those drinks are nastay. i am going to have to say that animal print is by far my favorite. where do you find all of your fab outfits? can't wait until next week. i live for dances.
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